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How to Choose the Right UX Research Method
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How to Choose the Right UX Research Method

How to Choose the Right UX Research Method

Saviour Egbe
August 1, 2023

User experience (UX) research is essential for creating products that people love to use. Without it, you're flying blind. You might end up building something that no one wants or needs.

UX researchers use different research methods to collect data about users — their behavior, motivations, and needs. This data is then used to improve the user experience of products and services.

In this article, we'll take a quick look at a list of UX research methods, and factors to consider when choosing one for your next project. We will also explore using remote UX research methods.

What is User Research?

User research (aka UX Research) is a broad term for different methods used to gather insights into users. 

By understanding user needs, pain points and motivations, companies can create products and experiences that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for their target audience.

In this article we'll talk about the key types of user research methods you can use to understand users' needs deeply and build the right product for them.

Types of UX Research Methods

Broadly, there are 3 types  of UX research methods: quantitative, qualitative and mixed.

Quantitative UX Research Methods

Quantitative UX research methods use numerical data to answer specific questions about user behavior, preferences, and trends. This data can be used to inform design decisions and optimize user experiences.
Here’s the ultimate quantitative UX research methods list.

Surveys and questionnaires

How it works: Surveys ask participants a series of questions, to collect quantitative data on a larger scale. This is one of the most common quantitative ux research methods and can be administered online or in-person.

Great for: Measuring user sentiment, identifying trends, and gathering feedback from a large audience.

Analytics and user behavior tracking

How it works: Although often overlooked as a quantitative UX research method, tools like Google Analytics and MixPanel provide valuable data about how users interact with digital products or websites. Researchers can track metrics like user flows, page views, and click-through rates.
Great for: Understanding existing user behavior on your product, identifying areas for improvement, and tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

A/B testing

How it works: A/B testing, also known as split testing, presents users with two or more variations of an element, and compares the response. This helps you figure out which variation is better for user engagement or conversions.

Great for: Optimizing website conversions by testing layouts, landing pages and call-to-action buttons. 

Heatmap analysis

How it works: Heatmaps show which areas of a page receive the most attention (hotspots) and which areas are overlooked (cold spots). It gives a visual representation of user interactions on a website or app.

Great for: Understanding user attention, identifying popular content, and optimizing website layout. It also helps uncover design elements that are distracting or ineffective.

Clickstream analysis

How it works: Clickstream analysis tracks the sequence of user interactions on a website or app. It records the paths users take, the pages they visit, and the actions they perform.

Great for: Understanding user navigation patterns, identifying drop-off points, and optimizing user flows.

User ratings and reviews

How it works: Online platforms and app stores often ask users to do this, by rating and providing comments on their experience.

Great for: Understanding user sentiment, identifying common issues, and measuring satisfaction levels.

Qualitative UX Research Methods

Qualitative UX research methods use open-ended data to deeply understand user needs and motivations. This type of research method focuses on understanding the subjective experiences, motivations, and emotions of users. 

Here are some common qualitative UX research methods:

User Interviews

How it works: At the top of our list of UX research methods is User Research Interviews, also known as In-depth Interviews (IDIs). There are one-on-one conversations between researchers and participants. Through open-ended questions, researchers can explore users' thoughts, opinions, and experiences in detail. They can be conducted in-person, over the phone, or through video calls. 

This is by far the most common qualitative UX Research method deployed by researchers because: (1) it provides in depth data, (2) it’s relatively easy to set up.

Great for: Understanding users' needs and motivations, exploring user pain points, and validating assumptions.

Focus groups

How it works: Focus groups bring together a small group of participants (usually 6-10) to engage in a guided discussion, facilitated by a researcher. It encourages participants to share their opinions, thoughts, and experiences openly.

Great for: Exploring group dynamics and obtaining diverse perspectives, identifying common themes and patterns, and generating new ideas.

Usability testing

How it works: Another common qualitative ux research method is Usability Testing. It involves observing users as they interact with a product or prototype. Researchers can observe participants' behavior on the product / prototype, listen to their thought processes, and gather feedback on usability issues. You can run usability tests synchronously (moderated usability tests) or asynchronously (unmoderated tests). 

Great for: Identifying areas where users struggle, uncovering design flaws, and validating assumptions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you run moderated usability tests effectively.

Here’s our handy list of must-have user interview questions for usability testing.

Ethnographic research

How it works: This involves immersing researchers in the users' natural environment to understand their behavior and needs. Researchers observe and document users' interactions with products or services in real-life settings.

Great for: Cultural insights, and a deeper understanding of users' daily experiences, uncovering hidden needs and pain points. If you’re trying to localize a product for a very different geography, this may be a handy tool.

Diary studies

How it works: Participants are asked to keep a record of their experiences, thoughts, and interactions related to a specific product or service, over a period of time.

Great for: Longitudinal insights and capturing real-time experiences, allowing researchers to uncover patterns over time.

Card sorting

How it works: This involves asking participants to organize and categorize items or concepts based on their understanding and preferences.

Great for: Designing intuitive navigation structures. It helps researchers understand users' mental models, how they perceive information architecture, and how they group items.

User journey mapping

How it works: User journey mapping involves creating visual representations of users' emotions and touchpoints throughout their experience with a product or service. Researchers work with participants to map out the user's journey, highlighting key moments, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

Great for: Identifying critical touch points and design experiences that address user needs stage-wise.

Mixed Methods UX Research

It’s the best of both worlds! Mixed methods combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather a wider range of insights. Researchers can collect data from various sources, such as surveys and interviews, and leverage the strengths of each method.

Here are some common techniques under mixed methods UX research:

Sequential Explanatory Design

How it works: Sequential explanatory design involves conducting qualitative research first, followed by quantitative research to further explain the qualitative findings. Qualitative research methods, such as interviews or focus groups, help generate hypotheses and insights, which are then validated through quantitative methods like surveys or analytics.

Great for: Gaining in-depth understanding of user experiences by generating hypotheses and then validating findings.

Convergent Design

How it works: Convergent design involves simultaneously collecting both qualitative and quantitative data, analyzing them separately, and then integrating the findings. Researchers can compare the results to identify patterns and discrepancies.

Great for: Gaining different perspectives on a phenomenon, and creating a more holistic view of user experiences.

Embedded Design

How it works: It embeds qualitative and quantitative data collection within the same study. For example, during usability testing sessions, researchers may gather qualitative feedback through participant observations and interviews, while also collecting quantitative data on task completion times or error rates.

Great for: Gaining rich qualitative insights alongside measurable quantitative metrics.


How it works: Triangulation is a user research method that involves using multiple methods to validate and cross-reference findings. For instance, qualitative findings from interviews can be triangulated with quantitative data from surveys to enhance the credibility of the research.

Great for: Validating and cross-referencing findings, and ensuring consistency. It also ad dresses potential biases or limitations of individual methods.

Exploratory-Confirmatory Design

How it works: This user research method first uses qualitative research to explore new concepts and hypotheses. This is then followed by quantitative ux research to confirm or refute those findings on a larger scale.

Great for: Uncovering new insights, validating findings, and providing a more rigorous understanding of user experiences.

Complementary Design

How it works: This involves using qualitative and quantitative ux research methods to complement each other in addressing different research questions. Qualitative methods help provide rich, in-depth insights into user experiences and motivations, while quantitative methods help quantify user behaviors and preferences.

Great for: Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the user experience, and understanding how qualitative and quantitative ux research methods can complement each other.

How to Choose the Right UX Research Method

UX research methods cheatsheet as a flowchart. Choose the right research method based on whether your project is generative or evaluative first. Then, decide how much time and resources you can spare. Surveys and interviews are good for generative studies with a deadline, while focus groups and ethnography is great if there is no time crunch. Evaluative cases can use card sorting, tree testing, usability testing etc..s
Here's our cheatsheet for choosing the right UX research method.

Picking the best UX research method for your project will depend on your specific goals and needs. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • The purpose of your research: What do you hope to learn from your research? Are you looking to understand user needs, identify usability problems, or gather feedback on a new design?
  • The scope of your research: How much time and resources do you have available? Are you conducting a small-scale study or a large-scale project?
  • The target audience: Who are your users? What are their needs and motivations?
  • The budget: How much money do you have to spend on research?

When Can You Use Remote UX Research Methods?

Remote UX research methods are becoming popular these days. You can use them to study users from all over the world.

Common remote UX research methods include:

  • Online surveys: These are a quick and easy way to collect quantitative data from a large number of users.
  • User Interviews via video conferencing: This allows you to conduct user interviews with users from anywhere in the world.
  • Remote usability testing: This involves recording users as they interact with a product or service on their own computer. This could be done synchronously (on a moderated usability test) or asynchronously (with an unmoderated usability test).

Here are some situations when you can effectively use remote UX research methods:

1. Geographically Dispersed Participants

Remote research methods help you get past geographical constraints when your target user base is spread across different locations. It allows for a more diverse and representative sample.

2. Cost and Time Efficiency

Remote UX research methods often offer cost and time advantages compared to in-person research. There’s no need to set up physical facilities or travel. Scheduling is also more flexible, which means greater participant availability.

3. Accessibility and Convenience

Remote methods make it easier for participants to engage in research activities. They can participate from the comfort of their own homes or workplaces. This can greatly improve the likelihood of participant engagement.

4. Large-Scale Data Collection

Remote research methods are highly scalable. Online surveys, for example, can reach a wide audience and gather a significant amount of quantitative data efficiently. This scalability allows for broader statistical analysis and larger insights.

5. Iterative Design and Testing

Remote research methods are also well-suited for iterative design and testing cycles. Since remote methods can be conducted quickly and easily, they allow for frequent feedback loops with participants. Researchers can make adjustments, and validate design changes without extensive delays.


UX research is an essential part of the product development process. By understanding user needs and motivations, you can create products and services that are more user-friendly and enjoyable.

There are three broad categories of UX research methods: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Quantitative UX research methods use numerical data to measure user behavior, preferences, and trends. Qualitative UX research methods use open-ended data to understand user needs and motivations. Mixed methods combine both to get a holistic view of the user experience.

To choose the right UX research method for your project, think about your project’s goals, scope, audience, and budget. 

Remote UX research methods are also becoming increasingly popular, such as online surveys, video conferencing, and remote usability testing. They’re great for reaching geographically dispersed participants, increasing accessibility and convenience, collecting large-scale data, and testing remote or digital products.

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