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14 Chat-GPT Prompts for Faster UX Research
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14 Chat-GPT Prompts for Faster UX Research

14 Chat-GPT Prompts for Faster UX Research

Theertha Raj
February 20, 2024

This is part of a new Looppanel blog series on AI and UX Research. Read the rest of the series for more on AI tools for UX research, or 6 Ways AI Makes Qualitative Data Analysis Faster.

Are you ready to supercharge your UX research with the help of Chat-GPT?

In this article, we'll explore how you can leverage the power of AI to streamline your UX research process and uncover valuable insights. 

Whether you want to use ChatGPT for guerilla usability testing, for creating your discussion guide, or to improve your research methods—this article is your one-stop-shop for all ChatGPT user research tools!

Let’s dig in!

ChatGPT as a Research Tool

Ever since its historic launch in January 2023, Chat-GPT has changed the way we work. It’s like having a research assistant who’s new, but incredibly good at doing what they’re told to do. 

Despite the flurry it has caused in the job market, Chat-GPT isn’t actually capable of replacing human labor. It’s not smarter than a person yet, and needs a lot of hand-holding, especially for UX research tasks.

That being said, Chat-GPT prompts for UX Research can save you a ton of time and resources, if you provide enough information and the right instructions.

Before we get to the Chat-GPT UX Research prompts, here are a few things to note about Chat-GPT’s advantages and limitations.

Here’s what AI tools like Chat-GPT are best at.

What Chat-GPT is Good At

It can analyze huge amounts of data at superhuman speeds.

It is capable of accurately summarizing information from many pages.

It can scan large documents in seconds and retrieve information for you.

As a result, it can help researchers complete their tasks 5 times faster by automating the manual, time-consuming parts of the process.

This is an enormous productivity increase, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the internet was invented.

But before we jump for joy, we need to recognize the limitations baked into new technology.

Looking to speed up your research process? Check out our review of the 15 Best UX Research Tools in 2024.

What Chat-GPT is NOT Good At

Chat-GPT prompts for UX Research also have their fair share of limitations. Despite what Linkedin gossip says, it can never act as replacements for human workers. They can simply speed up some parts of the process, with the right instructions provided.

1. Chat-GPT lacks context

The current free version of Chat-GPT via GPT-4 only has knowledge about the world upto September 2021. The Premium and Enterprise version has web browsing capabilities, and is updated on the latest world affairs.

That being said, ChatGPT or AI User Research tools still don’t have access to a lot of data about your work. 

They will miss out on obvious points that you, with years of experience at your company, intuitively understand. 

If your research data references an obvious point from a previous research project, you’ll have to spell it out and provide full context for Chat-GPT.

2. Chat-GPT needs supervision

AI supplements human expertise; it doesn't replace it entirely.

You cannot feed an entire project’s worth of data to Chat-GPT and expect fully formed final insights. 

Even with the most detailed Chat-GPT User Research prompts, you will have to spend a little more time cross-checking and validating Chat-GPT’s answers.

3. Chat-GPT can’t answer the whys

ChatGPT user research tools are good at spotting patterns in user behavior, like a detective sifting through clues. However, it struggles to grasp the "why" behind those behaviors. That's because human actions are influenced by a colorful mix of personal preferences, cultural norms, and situational factors. 

So, limit its role to just pointing out the patterns and themes in the data you provide. You will have to do the analysis and making sense of the whys and how this affects your organization. 

For AI-powered research analysis, tools like Looppanel are a great alternative. Looppanel is specially designed for UX research by UX researchers, and can make notes, organize important data and summarize user interviews, much more efficiently than Chat-GPT.

4. Chat-GPT’s output accuracy depends on the data you give it. 

Simply put, Chat-GPT prompts for UX Research cannot answer any question outside the syllabus.

If your data is incomplete, inaccurate, or skewed, it might not provide the answers you're hoping for, simply because it doesn't have the full context.

For precise results, add as much detail and context about your product and users to the prompt. The more, the better!

So, how can you use ChatGPT for UX Research?

ChatGPT is very versatile and can be used to speed up various types of UX research processes, ranging from analyzing data for a usability test, to helping you generate discussion guides. In this section we’ll cover how you can use ChatGPT for various UX Research methods and use cases.

Here are some of the most popular use cases for using ChatGPT in UX Research.

1. How to use ChatGPT for creating UX Research Questions

The first thing you do for a research study is plan it. ChatGPT can help you create your raw materials, especially your discussion guide and UX Research questions. While the guide may not be perfect, it’ll help you get 80% of the way there.

You can also use ChatGPT for help re-phrasing research questions. Let’s say you can’t think of how to ask a question without leading the user on? Ask GPT for help! You’d be surprised at how rapidly it can help you create your research questions.

2. How to use ChatGPT for analyzing usability tests, user interviews & focus groups

Once you’ve run research, ChatGPT can help you summarize calls, find key insights, and even tag your data. While you want to put proper precautions in place to ensure you trust the output, when the process works it’s incredibly powerful!

Let’s say you’re using chatgpt for guerilla usability testing. In guerilla testing you’re typically going up to your target users in person and asking them to try your product or prototype. If you record the session or take notes, you can input those into ChatGPT or a GPT-powered platform like Looppanel to analyze the findings 5x faster.

But using chatgpt for guerilla usability testing is just one use case, you can use ChatGPT for support on any user research method, even surveys!

3. How to use ChatGPT for cleaning & analyzing surveys

One of the biggest challenges with running surveys is ensuring the sample quality and rooting out fake responses. You can use ChatGPT to identify speeders (folks who fill out your survey too quickly), straight liners (give the same response to every question), or those write gibberish / inconsistent responses in your survey. This helps weed out bots and inauthentic responses rapidly, and save you hours of sorting and filtering on excel.

14 Chat-GPT Prompts for UX Research

Here are 14 Chat-GPT User Research prompts you can use for different stages of the research process. 

Consider these Chat-GPT UX Research prompts as guidelines on how to get the best out of it, and edit them as per your research needs.

For complex planning and scripts, view Chat-GPT’s answers as a starting point, rather than the entire solution. A language model doesn’t have the context and insights that a human can offer. Give it tasks that you would give a capable intern-–reframing insights, generating questions with previously determined objectives, tasks that don’t require advanced thinking and analyses.

1. Planning

1. To read and analyse related research: Provide a brief summary of these articles/research reports: [insert links]

2. To find the right UX research method: I need to do a UX research project for my product X, a [describe the product]. The research goal is to find out [describe the goal]. The target audience is [add user demographics, numbers, and relevant details]. What research methods would be right for this project? Give me a broad research plan for each option.

3. To create a research plan to test a new feature: Create a user research plan to explore the feasibility of a new feature for our product X. X is a [Insert details]. The new feature Y does [details]. We want to understand our users’ possible needs, their openness to Y, and any potential concerns they might have. Please include sections in the plan for user interviews, surveys, and usability testing, within a Z-month timeline (customize this section based on your needs!)

4. To generate potential user personas: We are in the early stages of developing a new product X, a [describe the product]. X can [ describe product features and tasks]. Please generate a list of potential user personas in detail, that we should consider in our design and development process.

2. Data collection

5. To create user interview scripts: Create a user interview script of 15-20 questions as a UX researcher, to gather detailed insights from users of X app that [insert product details]. Include warm-up questions about the user’s day and work life. Covers key topics such as user needs, preferences, and experiences with similar products. Ask about A, B, and C features. Use simple language. 

6. To design feedback surveys: Create a short 5-minute user feedback survey for users of product X, which does [insert details]. X provides features that include [add features] for users who are  [describe users]. The survey should cover aspects such as ease of use, satisfaction with features, areas for improvement, and overall user experience. Please include a mix of question types, such as multiple choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions.

7. To generate test scenarios for usability testing: I’m doing usability testing for X product, a [describe the product]. X does [list the features] and is designed for [describe the users]. Please generate test scenarios that cover key user tasks and interactions with X.

8. To do usability testing: Create a usability testing script for product X, a [describe the product]. X’s features include [list the features] and it is designed for [describe the users]. The script should guide the user through [describe tasks] with X, and provide instructions for the tester on what to observe and record. Please include sections in the script for the introduction, task instructions, and closing remarks.

9. To script a focus group discussion: We are conducting a focus group discussion for X product, a [describe the product].  X does [list the features] and is designed for [describe the users]. Please draft a discussion guide for a focus group on the latest update that allows Y. The guide should cover key topics such as user needs, preferences, and experiences with X and the update Y.

3. Data analysis

10. To generate insights: Here are the results of a product feedback survey conducted on product X’s latest feature Y. The product X does [list the features] and is designed for [describe the users]. Summarize the survey findings as 5-6 key insights.
[Paste survey results]

11. To identify patterns and trends: Read the 5 condensed interview transcripts pasted below and identify the common patterns and trends in user experiences based on them. The product X does [list the features] and is designed for [describe the users]. Summarize the patterns and trends into bullet points. Also, share summaries of user responses to each question as a tabular column.
[Paste interview transcriptions]

Want to get insights 5x faster? Try Looppanel, an AI-powered analysis & repository tool made for user researchers! Get a 15-day free trial here.

4. Sharing Research findings

12. To rewrite research insights: Given the following research data about our product X, a [describe the product], please provide a concise summary of this insight. Use simple, readable language that can be shared in a report. [Paste data + insights]

13. To outline a research presentation: I’m preparing a presentation to share our user research findings on product X’s new update Y with stakeholders. X does [list the features] and is designed for [describe the users]. Please create an outline for the presentation that covers the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommendations. [Paste key findings here.]

14. To write an article on research findings: I need to write an article that summarizes our user research findings about X with the rest of the organization. Read the findings and insights pasted below, and draft an article that’s engaging, informative, and accessible to a general audience. Avoid UX jargon, keep it action-oriented, and highlight the outcomes of the research.
[Add key findings to share here.]

Tips and best practices for using ChatGPT for UX research

Now that you know the power of ChatGPT in action, are you ready to make it a staple in your UX research toolkit? But hold on a second – before you dive in headfirst, let's go over some tips and best practices to ensure you're using ChatGPT effectively and responsibly. 

1. Use ChatGPT as a Complementary Tool 

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that ChatGPT is not a replacement for human expertise and creativity. While it can certainly help streamline and enhance your UX research process, it should be used as a complementary tool, not a substitute for critical thinking and analysis. 

Think of ChatGPT as your trusty sidekick – it's there to support you, but you're still the superhero of your UX research story. 

2. Provide Clear and Specific Prompts 

To get the most out of ChatGPT, you need to provide clear, specific, and well-structured prompts. The more context and detail you can give, the better the AI will be able to generate relevant and useful outputs. 

For example, instead of asking ChatGPT to "generate user interview questions," try something like:

"Create a list of 10 open-ended questions for user interviews focused on understanding the pain points and motivations of millennials using personal finance apps. The questions should cover topics such as budgeting, saving, and investing."

By being specific and providing context, you'll get more targeted and actionable results from ChatGPT. 

3. Validate and Iterate 

While ChatGPT is incredibly powerful, it's not infallible. Always take the time to review and validate the outputs generated by the AI, and be prepared to iterate and refine as needed. 

For instance, if ChatGPT generates a list of user interview questions, review them critically and ask yourself:

- Are these questions aligned with my research objectives?

- Do they cover all the key topics I want to investigate?

- Are they phrased in a way that will elicit valuable insights from participants?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no," don't be afraid to tweak, modify, or even start over. The goal is to use ChatGPT's outputs as a starting point, not an endpoint.

4. Use ChatGPT Ethically and Responsibly 

As with any powerful tool, it's essential to use ChatGPT ethically and responsibly. This means being transparent about your use of AI, protecting participant privacy, and ensuring that any outputs generated by ChatGPT are used in a way that aligns with your organization's values and principles. 

For example, if you use ChatGPT to generate user personas, make sure to:

- Anonymize any real user data used to train the AI

- Clearly label the personas as AI-generated

- Use the personas as a starting point for discussion and ideation, not as a definitive representation of your users

By using ChatGPT ethically and responsibly, you can harness its power for good and avoid any potential pitfalls or backlash. 

5. Continuously Learn and Experiment 

Finally, remember that incorporating ChatGPT into your UX research process is an ongoing journey, not a one-time destination. As the technology evolves and new use cases emerge, it's important to continuously learn, experiment, and adapt your approach. 

Don't be afraid to try new things, push the boundaries, and see what works best for your team and your users. The more you experiment with ChatGPT, the better you'll become at leveraging its capabilities to drive UX research success. 

Incorporating ChatGPT into your UX research process can be a game-changer, but it's important to do so mindfully and strategically. By using ChatGPT as a complementary tool, providing clear and specific prompts, validating and iterating on outputs, using the technology ethically and responsibly, and continuously learning and experimenting, you can harness the power of AI to take your UX research to new heights. 

Remember, ChatGPT is not a magic wand that will solve all your UX research challenges overnight. It's a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can help you work smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

If you really want to make the most of AI for user research, try an AI-powered tool like Looppanel instead. 

Looppanel is an AI-powered research repository tool that can:

- Transcribe calls in minutes with over 95% accuracy

- Take notes for you during interviews

- Organize tags and data with automated affinity mapping

- Smart search (find everything you know about “why users churn”, even if you didn’t tag it)

Looppanel is also featured on User Interviews’ State of AI in User Research Report—13% of survey respondents use Looppanel’s AI features to speed up note-taking & analysis.

Sign up for a free 15-day trial, and watch the magic happen. Trust me.

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