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AI-Powered UX Research Repositories: Top 5 Tools [2024]
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AI-Powered UX Research Repositories: Top 5 Tools [2024]

AI-Powered UX Research Repositories: Top 5 Tools [2024]

Kritika Oberoi
May 30, 2024

Tired of drowning in a sea of research data, endlessly searching for that one insight you remember from six months ago? Don’t worry, AI-powered UX research repositories are here to save the day (and your sanity)!

In this article, we'll explore how AI and tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize your UX research workflow, dive into the world of AI user research repositories, and share some juicy tips on choosing and using AI UX research repository tools. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let's get started!

How is AI used in UX research?

There are many ways you could use AI in UX Research. You could let AI run all the analysis for you. You could ignore it completely. Or, like we recommend, you could use it as a research assistant that supercharges your workflow.

How to use AI and ChatGPT for efficient UX research: 

  1. Transcription: AI can automatically transcribe your user interviews with over 93% accuracy, saving you hours of tedious work. No more listening to the same audio over and over again!
  2. Analysis: AI can analyze your research data and surface key insights, themes, and patterns. We do recommend checking its work, but it should get you 80% of the way there. 
  3. Creating research plans & interview guides: Starting a new project? Ask ChatGPT to help you create a research plan and interview guide.
  4. Writing Reports: ChatGPT can generate concise summaries of your research findings, making it easier to share key takeaways with stakeholders.

So AI can do a great job at transcribing, supporting rapid analysis, creating reports, and more. But before you go replacing your entire research team with robots, let's talk about what AI cannot do:

  1. Empathy: AI can't replace the human connection and empathy that's crucial for understanding user needs and experiences.
  2. Context: AI doesn't have the domain knowledge and context that human researchers bring to the table. It can surface patterns, but it's up to you to interpret them.
  3. Creative Problem-Solving: AI can generate ideas, but it can't match the creative problem-solving skills of experienced UX researchers.

So, think of AI as your trusty sidekick - it can take care of the mundane tasks, freeing you up to focus on the big-picture insights and strategic thinking.

Want a deep dive on how AI is impacting UX Research? Read the detailed guide here.

AI UX Research Repositories

Now that we've seen how AI can enhance your research workflow, let's talk about AI user research repositories. An AI UX research repository is like an AI-powered central library for all your research data - interviews, surveys, usability tests, you name it!

What is a User Research Repository?

A  user research repository is a centralized hub where you can store, organize, and access all your research data in one place,. It's a one-stop-shop for all your research needs.

Traditional repositories have relied heavily on your team doing a lot of the knowledge management—designing complex tagging taxonomies and requiring each team member to tag their data perfectly to make it searchable.

The problem is—80% of the time this doesn’t work, especially if you don’t have a dedicated research librarian on your team.

AI UX Research Repositories are new-age repositories that take the burden of knowledge management off your team. Let’s take a look at some of their key features.

Not sure what a repository is all about? Check out our 101 Guide on User Research Repositories

AI UX Research Repository Features

A good AI UX research repository should have the following features:

  1. Centralized Storage: All your research data should be stored in one secure, easily accessible location.
  2. AI-Powered Tagging and Categorization: The AI should automatically tag and categorize your research data for easy analysis later.
  3. Intelligent Search: A powerful AI-driven search function is a must-have for quickly finding specific insights or data points. This should allow you to find data even if you haven’t tagged it.
  4. Collaboration: Any user research repository should allow multiple team members to access and collaborate on research data.
  5. Integrations: Look for an AI UX research repository that integrates with your existing research tools and workflows. For example, if you run calls on Zoom—can it jump in and record those for you?

Benefits of AI UX Research Repositories

Having an AI user research repository can benefit your UX team in many ways:

  1. Efficiency: No more wasting time searching for that one quote or insight across multiple files and folders. With an AI UX research repository, everything is organized and easily accessible.
  2. AI-Powered Analysis: : The AI can automatically tag data for you and help you find insights faster—without you spending days manually tagging. 
  3. Centralized Data: : Storing all your research data in one place makes it easy for anyone on your team to find quotes, insights, or even check out their teammates’ work.
  4. Democratized Insights : Your entire team should be able to come in and find answers to their questions in minutes.

How to Create an AI User Research Repository

Creating an AI user research repository doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Choose an AI UX Research Repository Tool: Decide on an AI-powered research repository tool that fits your needs and budget. Some popular options include Looppanel, Dovetail, and EnjoyHQ.
  2. Set Up Your Repository: This process varies—more traditional repositories like Dovetail require you to define a tagging taxonomy to code data and make sure everyone on your team follows it. For new-age repositories like Looppanel, set up could be as simple as getting your team onboarded on the tool. 
  3. Integrate with Your Workflow: Integrate the AI user research repository into your existing research workflow to ensure it gets used regularly. For example, if you need to integrate your calendar to record calls, Zoom to import data, etc., you should set those up first.
Make sure to avoid key pitfalls by reading our report on Why Repositories Fail!

5 Best AI Research Repository tools

What is an example of a user research repository? Some of the most popular Research Repository tools include Looppanel, Dovetail, EnjoyHQ, Condens, and Aurelius. In this section, we’ll talk through their capabilities, stand-out AI features, reviews, and pricing.

1. Looppanel

Key AI Features:

  1. Automated transcription (90%+ accuracy)
  2. AI-generated notes
  3. Automatic tagging
  4. Google-like smart search 

Overview: Looppanel is an AI User Research Repository. The product boasts highly accurate transcripts, ability to analyze data by your discussion guide, automatic notes and tagging, and a smart search across calls. If you’re looking for a product that can take a lot of the heavy lifting of creating a repository and running analysis off your plate, but still allow you as a researcher to review and iterate on research findings—Looppanel is the tool for you.

One bonus capability of Looppanel: it’s flexible enough to work for your team, no matter their working styles—whether they like to take time-stamped notes during calls, review transcripts after, or a mix—the product makes room for multiple working styles.

Auto-tagged data on Looppanel

Customer Quote: “It used to take me 2 weeks to analyze a project. Now it takes 2 days.” —Researcher at FinTech company who uses Looppanel 

G2 Rating: 4.8 / 5

2. Dovetail

Key AI Features:

  1. Overview summary of calls
  2. Auto-clustering of tagged data
  3. Summarizer search

Overview: Dovetail is a traditional research repository built on manual tagging and complex taxonomies. While they’ve introduced some AI-powered features, they are not the go-to capabilities for Dovetail. You want to use Dovetail if you need participant management bundled with user research, or if you love academic-style tagging workflows.

Customer Quote: "Very intuitive research analysis software” - Tomo S., Senior UX Researcher

G2 Review: 4.4 / 5

3. Notion

Key AI Features:

  • AI summaries of documents
  • Ability to write outlines, emails, etc. within the product
  • AI-powered custom content generation within Notion

Overview: While Notion isn’t technically a repository, if you’re low on funding and already using this at work, it can be a great starting point. Notion already has built in search, your team already lives there, and it has some handy AI features to speed up your workflow.

The obvious drawback is that it’s not a traditional repository tool, so it doesn't have support for recordings, ability to generate transcripts, tagging, and other “research-specific” capabilities. We recommend starting with Notion if it’s easy to do, but then migrating to a full-fledged repository when your team and budget grows.

Here’s Notion repository template you can get started with.

Customer Quote: “The greatly polyvalent database system lets me cover all my need, from keeping my journal to making my invoices” - Nicolas Franck P., Small Business owner

G2 Rating: 4.7 / 5

4. Condens

Key AI Features: 

  1. Automated transcription
  2. Suggestions on most relevant tag

Overview: If you’ve spoken to the Condens team, they don’t deeply believe in AI. They have used it in some basic ways—to transcribe your calls, help you find the right tag while reviewing a transcript—but the product doesn’t go far beyond that.

Look at Condens if you basically want “Dovetail lite”. It’s a lighter, simpler version of Dovetail which can be easier for your team to learn.

Customer Quote: "Being a solo researcher in a small organization, I have been able to optimize my research projects." - Jesús E., UX Researcher

G2 Review: 4.8 / 5

5. Aurelius

Key AI Features: 

  1. AI generated summary and key themes

Overview: Aurelius is a powerful UX research repository and insights platform that enables researchers to collect, organize, analyze, and share qualitative research data more efficiently. 

Customer Quote: "The ability to quickly add notes from customer visits and usability tests, tag them, and easily utilize them to inform future product design and development." - John, UX Design Director

Capterra Review: 4.3 / 5

Best Practices for Using AI in UX Research Repositories

To get the most out of your AI UX research repository tool, follow these best practices:

  1. Combine AI with Human Insight: AI is a powerful tool, but it's not a replacement for human expertise. Use AI to surface insights and patterns, but always apply your own critical thinking and interpretation.
  2. Verify AI-Generated Outputs: AI isn't perfect, so always review and verify AI-generated transcripts, tags, and insights for accuracy and completeness. Make sure you’re using a repository that allows you to trace where AI output came from and your own edits if needed.
  3. Use AI to Augment, Not Replace: AI should be used to augment and streamline your research workflow, not completely replace human involvement. Use AI to free up your time for higher-level analysis and strategic thinking.

How to Choose an AI Tool for User Research

When choosing an AI UX research repository tool, consider the following factors:

  1. Features: Look for a tool that offers the specific AI features you need. The ones we noticed have the most impact:some text
    1. High quality transcripts (especially ones that account for different types of accents)
    2. Automatic notes
    3. AI-powered tagging
    4. Smart search (you don’t have to tag to find data)
  2. Accuracy: Check the accuracy rates of the AI-generated outputs and make sure they’re actually useful! It’s too easy to add AI features to products now—but good quality ones are still tough to build.,
  3. Integrations: Choose a tool that integrates with your existing research workflow and tools, such as video conferencing platforms and project management software.
  4. Security and Privacy: Ensure the tool has robust security measures and complies with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR. Also make sure that the tool does not LLM providers like OpenAI use your data for training purposes!
  5. Pricing: Consider the pricing model and whether it fits your budget and research needs. Look for tools that offer flexible pricing based on usage or team size. 

Guardrails for Using AI in UX Research

While AI can be a game-changer for your research workflow, it's important to use it responsibly and ethically. Keep these guardrails in mind:

  1. Protect Participant Privacy: Ensure your AI UX research repository tool has strict data protection measures and complies with privacy regulations. Be transparent with participants about how their data will be used and stored.
  2. Mitigate Bias: AI models can sometimes reflect biases present in the training data. Be aware of potential biases and take steps to mitigate them, such as using diverse and representative datasets.
  3. Maintain Human Oversight: While AI can automate many tasks, it's crucial to maintain human oversight and accountability. Regularly review AI-generated outputs and ensure a human is involved in critical decisions.
  4. Use AI Ethically: Avoid using AI in ways that could harm or exploit participants or stakeholders. Ensure your use of AI aligns with ethical principles like transparency, fairness, and accountability.

Phew, that was a lot of information! But don't worry, you don't have to become an AI expert overnight. The key is to start small and experiment with different AI UX research repository tools to find what works best for your team.

Remember, AI is here to make your life easier, not replace the human touch that's so crucial to UX research. By combining the power of AI with your own expertise and insights, you can take your research workflow to the next level and uncover game-changing insights faster than ever before.

So go forth, intrepid UX researcher, and embrace the AI revolution! Your future self (and your stakeholders) will thank you.

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